Monday, May 5, 2008

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name
Lord Father, you are holy. You are in Heaven, all is right with the world. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!!! You are omnipresent. You see and care for all who are sick. You see Susan, Sherry, My mom & dad, Estonia, Iraq. You are working everywhere.

Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
Heavenly Father, your Kingdom is alive and well at Swedish hospital. Your glory is being lived out for all to see. Your Kingdom across the country is active and praying for healing for Susan. All are praying for healing for Susan & her family. For physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Your Kingdom is coming together to focus on you and your mighty hand. We come together knowing that you are God and we aren’t. We rest in the knowledge that it IS Your will, not ours. Your will be done, you hold the big picture. You see the end results. And whatever your will is, it will be glorious and amazing. So be it!!

Give us today our daily bread.
We do not need to worry. My daily bread. Let me hunger and thirst for you. My soul longs for you Lord Jesus. Thank you for filling me, filling the void, giving me peace. As I look over my life, you have provided. I never lacked. When I thought I did, I looked to you and saw that I don’t lack. Your provision is abundant.

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